a blog about experience - not appearance.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Week no. 5, 6, 7: Bright Lights, New Cities

Hello darlings,

Tomorrow I am jetsetting off on a whirlwind adventure. My travels will take me far and wide, so for the next 3 weeks (21 days to be exact) I will be gallivanting throughout the streets of Los Angeles, Vancouver Canada and New York City. 

I have waited (and saved every penny of my teeny tiny wage) for 2 long years for this trip, and my excitment is paramount! I still haven't packed, because I'm terribly last minute in everything that I do...but I've been told that it's very hot over there, so I'm thinking little floral dresses and nothing but summer essentials??

If any gorgeous Americans happen to stumble across my humble (yet often never read) blog, I would very much appreciate your packing advice! What should a girl from Sydney Australia pack in her suitcase for 3 weeks of American/Canadian travels?

So for the next 3 weeks kiddos, I shall be offline from this virtual cyberspace, but please keep commenting and letting me know what you're up to. I will be back online by the 12th of July (factoring in any time I need to recover from the jetlag...ugh) bringing with me an endless record of photographical and experiential first times to share with you all.

Sending you all my love,

xxxx Amelia 

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