a blog about experience - not appearance.

Monday 23 May 2011

week no.1: Becoming a Blogger

Hey Guys! 
Welcome to my first blog, 'Come Try With Me,' a cyberplace that is dedicated to reinjecting the fun back into life! 

The basic idea behind this blog is that I am going to attempt to try something new every single week. I'm not to sure where this journey will take me, but I'm pretty keen to get started and see where we end up! 

My name is Amelia and I'm a bit of a blogger rookie...so please feel free to email me tips and hints to make this space better. I've decided that this blog will not focus on fashion, appearance, image or anything of the sort, because I really want this blog to be like comfort food - a place that is all about experiential excitment and inspiration. I will be posting a little video each week so that you can get to know me better and see my adventures unfold before your eyes..

Now this week was my first time...running in a fun run! And yes, I know that most people have already done this before, but for me it was a definite first. After getting up at 630am (ahh!) and jogging for 5kms, I came to the unlikely conclusion that fun run's are actually fun!! I've popped some pics up for you guys, so please enjoy and let me know what you think. And if you'd like to go for the funnest run of your life, here are some links to other fun runs that are coming up in Sydney..

and for the serious runners...http://www.run4fun.com.au/

Until next week my loves, be safe and be happy!

All my love,

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amelia

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